2 forgotten secrets to healing

In today’s day and age, we "outsource" our health by relying on doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists and more to "fix" us. What if you could learn to be your own best healer?

Learn two fundamentals to reclaiming your health and wellbeing with this insightful $7 guide.

2 forgotten secrets to healing

In today’s day and age, we "outsource" our health by relying on doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists and more to "fix" us. What if you could learn to be your own best healer?

Learn two fundamentals to reclaiming your health and wellbeing with this insightful $7 guide.

Do you feel like you have invested a lot of time, money and energy into treatments and therapies, but still have health concerns?

Do you wish you could get out of this rut of "fixing" your mental and physical health and get back to living again?

Do you feel like your health, mentally and physically, is a mystery?

How reiki helped me heal the root of my health problems.

My health was a mystery to my doctors. I was living with chronic pain, fatigue, the after effects of my childhood surgeries and was developing mental illnesses...all while my blood work and lab results came back as "normal". We could never find the “roots” of my problems. Then I found reiki healing. After my first session I was anxiety free for three months! I had my mind back and my body was feeling so much better. That's when I discovered the roots of my problems: energy imbalances. 

My body was trying to send signals through pain and illness and I had been ignored the signs. I came to deeply understand my body and energy. I became a certified Reiki healer, studied psychology in University, I took mental health first aid training and became an avid meditator. I even travelled to India in 2019 to learn more about medication. Now I teach others how to find the roots of their physical and mental health concerns and to become their own best healers.

Jenine Boser, founder of Intuition Awakening

Jenine Boser, founder Intuition Awakening

A practical guide to healing and your chakra system

Want to know what your are getting? Here's what's inside...

A practical guide to healing and your chakra system

Want to know what your are downloading? Here's what's inside...

The 2 forgotten secrets to healing

Learn how to understand your body and energy and find the roots of your physical and mental health concerns.

A guide to your chakra system

I have created a small visual representation of your chakra system so you can being to understand your body's messages. 


Start your healing today! Enjoy a few easy, at home exercises to get you familiar with your body and natural inner energy again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Energy healing seems simplistic, how can it help my chronic illnesses and pain?

The body is its own best healer and instinctively knows what to do. Energy healing like Reiki helps the body remember its own healing potential. As a healer I am able to help you interpret your body’s signals and understand the emotions that are “stuck” or causing issues in the body. When we hold onto emotions and memories, pains and hurts of the past, our body stores this as pain or energy blocks in our body. By understanding the body’s signals and what it is trying to tell you, you can easily unblock these old wounds, heal pains and release emotions.

Reiki healing sounds made up, what is it all about?

Reiki is actually a Japanese energy healing technique that has been around for over 100 years! It became popular in North American in the 1980’s and is now offered in over 800 US hospitals. Canada has followed suit, you can now even request a reiki healer to be part of your post-operative care team. Reiki uses your body’s own natural energy to strengthen your ability to heal. In my experience it shifts our body from “fight or flight” mode into our “rest and repaid” mode.

2 fundamentals, is that it? That seems like a short list to successful healing.

I thought so too when I was starting my healing journey. I was looking for some complex key to unlocking my body’s best health. What I didn’t realize was these two simple concepts were going to take my life to a whole new level of wellbeing and peace. I live by these two fundamentals, these long forgotten secrets and I want to show others how you can too.

Why do you say long forgotten?

I use that wording because this information is not new to our ancestors. They were deeply responsible and intimate with their health and happiness. Now a days we are much less connected to our self, to our health and to our emotions. Most of us are even disconnected from our soul and spirit. These forgotten secrets are just that; forgotten. Let’s reclaim them and use them in our day to day life once again.

Remove the "mystery".

Start understanding your health and symptoms today.

Enjoy this insightful, to the point book, which contains the 2 forgotten secrets of healing and wellbeing. Practice the exercises and start to understand your body, mind and spirit again. Become reconnected!

Still in doubt? It is my mission to empower as many people as I can through healing. I would love to help you on your journey too. So if you secretly want the book, but are not sure whether it's right for you, or whether it's worth the money, let's make the following deal: if you have tried the exercises in the book, but feel like they don't work for you, send me an e-mail at info@intuitionawakening.com within 14 days after purchase and I will get you your money back. No questions asked. No explanation required.

Let's get you started on your healing journey!

Remove the "mystery".

Start understanding your health and symptoms today.

Enjoy this insightful, to the point book, which contains the 2 forgotten secrets of healing and wellbeing. Practice the exercises and start to understand your body, mind and spirit again. Become reconnected!

Still in doubt? It is my mission to empower as many people as I can through healing. I would love to help you on your journey too. So if you secretly want the book, but are not sure whether it's right for you, or whether it's worth the money, let's make the following deal: if you have tried the exercises in the book, but feel like they don't work for you, send me an e-mail at info@intuitionawakening.com within 14 days after purchase and I will get you your money back. No questions asked. No explanation required.

Let's get you started on your healing journey!

More Details

What kind of download is this?

The file is pdf format for easy viewing, printing and sharing. It is several pages and includes two exercises.

Why is this book only $7?

It is my mission to reach as many people as I can with healing. The information in the book is most useful when it is applied, and I noticed that people tend to take action quicker if they make a small investment.

I would like some personal help, do you offer appointments?

Absolutely! This is my passion and I love seeing clients from all over the world one on one. Follow this link to the healing page.

What if I don't like it?

If you have tried the exercises in the book and feel like it isn't working for you, send me an e-mail within 14 days at info@intuitionawakening.com and I will get you your money back. No questions asked.

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